Educational Visits

At SchoolPro Safety we believe educational visits provide an essential part of a young persons developement. This new service is designed to give you the time, confidence and skills needed to take young people out of school as much as possible.

Educational Visits Services

Policy Consultation

Safety on school visits starts with good policy, procedure and guidance. Spending a little time on this initially can reduce time and money spent later on. SchoolPro Safety can help you take guidance from organisations like OEAP and make it work for your setting. 


Having run or supported over 500 visits and supported over 2000 students through the Duke of Edinburgh Award we understand the training your staff need for the safest and most enriching off-site activities. We believe all staff supporting visits need some basic understanding of how to keep children safe and what to do when things go wrong so we make our training as affordable as possible. Whether it be face to face EVC and EVL training or a 30min online course for supporting visits our comprehensive suite of course should meet your needs.

Visit Approvals

With tens of thousands of hours experience running and supporting school visits SchoolPro Safety is happy to support you in making the more difficult visit approval decisions. Whether you use evolve, edufocus or any other software package we work to make sure your higher risk visits are safe, but we always begin from the start point everything is possible.


We beleive off-site educational visits are an essential part of a young persons development, but they can be expensive. We try to keep our services affordable so that money can be spent more effectively on staffing and running costs.


Off The Shelf

All are courses are available off the shelf with no annual costs. Just go to our courses page and book onto the course you are looking for. We know school budgets are stretched so believe our off the shelf prices are very competitive.

Example saving – EFAW = >£80 (Compared to St John’s)

No Annual Fee

Pay As You Go Subscription

Subscribe to SchoolPro Safety Pay As You Go and receive all our courses heavily discounted. We believe our relationship with schools is what makes us stand out. This option gives schools the opportunity to benefit from the this relationship, receiving visit policy updates, advice and guidance while maintaining  flexibility to pick and choose even more affordable courses.

On average this option saves a large secondary £200 compared to our own off the shelf prices

£0.10 per student

Complete Visits

Subscribe to SchoolPro Complete Visits and receive all our on line courses TOTALLY FREE. This option also includes our visit approval service for higher risk visits and 5hrs Policy support. With Complete Visits you can know every member of staff supporting a visit has basic level of competence without worrying about price

On average this option saves a large secondary £500 compared tother providers of similar services.

£1.00 per student